Letter: Politically Correct

Letter to the Editor

I was bothered by the recent response to a letter critical of President Obama by the Vice President of Malibu’s Democrat club, not because of his interpretation of current events — these  type of political disagreements will be with us in perpetuum — but because he concluded by telling the person with which he disagreed to stop writing “inflammatory” letters and you, his soapbox, to stop printing the opinions of those with which he disagrees. A vibrant democracy is founded on political dissent and the unabashed ability of those whom disagree with the powers that be to say so loudly. It is especially important that the views of a minority not be suppressed — and if there was ever a minority view, it is that of a conservative in the echo chamber of liberal Malibu. If this is the opinion and goal of the Democrat party in Malibu, I want nothing to do with it.

Dana Clark