Getting older, getting better


    Apparently you did not read the Malibu Township Council’s (MTC’s) Complaint For Injunctive Relief against the City of Malibu before writing your editorial published July 12 in the Times. The graybeards of the MTC Board of Directors did not ask for a “gag order,” but on the contrary asked that the draft Local Coastal Plan/Land Use Plan (LCP/LUP), being considered by the City Council for submittal to the California Coastal Commission (CCC) for review and certification, be available for public review and comment, as required by State law.

    The MTC simply asked that the City follow what they believe is the review procedure required by law. The MTC and its elected Board represent a wide cross section of “political” positions. Some do dislike the “Hogan draft” LCP/LUP being considered by the Council, others find no real objection to it if it is acceptable to the CCC and consistent with the City’s General Plan.

    Still others look forward “favorably” to the CCC version now in preparation by Joyce Parker. (After all, Mrs. Parker was a principle author of the Malibu General Plan which seems to have been accepted by a majority of Malibu.) But the Board unanimously agreed that proper review procedure had not been followed. Among others, I would have enjoyed the opportunity to review and comment on the “Hogan draft,” but was not allowed the opportunity.

    As for the graybeards of the MTC Board, age and experience brings wisdom. For most in Malibu that takes the form of a desire to protect and share what is beautiful, and conserve what is valuable. I doubt that the average age of the Board is much greater than yours.

    John Wall