Let’s bond together


    Last week, The Malibu Times, a strong local opinion maker, characterized the proposed $15 Million Bond Measure as “another hot potato soon to be tossed to voters.” I’d like to suggest a rethinking of that characterization.

    How about seeing the Bond as a great Opportunity and Challenge for the Malibu community to show some political maturity by working together in spite of differences.

    How about seeing the Bond’s passage as the first common goal we’ve had since Cityhood.

    How about seeing the Bond as a great, last chance to do something to preserve land before all the large parcels are developed and to choose to build parks, ball fields, or a community center instead of another shopping center or high-density residential project.

    The Bond Measure is a wonderful opportunity to stop complaining and start accomplishing something excellent for the entire community.

    Mona Loo, Steering Committee member

    Malibu Coalition for Parks and Land