KBUU Monday Morning Headlines – Day 206


59º and sunny at 7:25 at Trancas. Skinny looking coyote yesterday up at the transmitter. Keep your kitty cats inside, please please please! In the news this morning:

= A law firm representing Malibu fire victims gets disqualified.

= Not much interest in Malibu .. in overseeing the sheriff’s office.

= Remember that fire??? Students ask Malibu if they still don’t worry about global warming.

= Ventura opens a shelter for homeless people.

= L A tries to save the Palisades.

= Free trees causing a traffic jam on P C H.


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … 7 times every morning … here on 99 point 1 FM … KBU.

And streaming at www.radiomalibu.net