Love will steer the stars


At the stroke of 12, the lights stayed on, planes did not fall from the sky and the world did not come to an end. Now that the bug bit the dust and the panic is behind us, what does the New Year really have in store? According to Malibu’s top psychics, good things are underway in year 2000.

“The number is a two, which means a balance between opposite forces,” says resident psychic Averi Torres. “Using intuition is more important than ever, but it looks fabulous. I like what I see.”

Famed psychic Kyle Mathews agrees. “There will be some uncertainty during the first three months, but then a positive cycle will begin.” Mathews says we will be entering a time of spiritual growth. “People have been living with fear and anxiety,” he observes. “Now, they are searching for something deeper. They will let go of that fear and find more meaningful relationships.”

Mathews and Torres believe the new focus on positive energy is something you can bank on. Despite recent corrections, they say, the stock market will remain super hot, especially in the field of innovation and in the high-tech sectors. “I love tech stocks,” says Torres. “I feel bio-tech firms will do really well this year.” Some major medical advances are also on the horizon. “In the next three to five years, there will be a major breakthrough in something very important,” says Mathews, “possibly cancer or AIDS.”

Torres says other medical milestones may include tele-medicine, a practice that will link doctors and patients in a way that vital signs can be transmitted electronically.

The new millennium will be an exciting time, not just for the body, soul and bank book but for the heart as well. According to Torres, “the coming year is a tremendously powerful year for love.” After the hectic ’80s and ’90s, new sensitivities and sensibilities could change the way we view the world. “When we hit burnout, we have to re-evaluate and take a look at our family and spiritual values. We are approaching the age of Aquarius, and it is a definite time for inner enlightenment.”

So whether it’s Wall Street, Main Street, medical breakthroughs or spiritual marvels, local seers say things are looking up. In any case, yesterday’s gone and the future is now.