Total Recall Interviews with Collin Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, and Bryan Cranston


The remake of the 1990 cult hit Total Recall has an updated storyline and visual effects that are in a world of their own.

Collin Farrell doesn’t need to step into Arnold Schwarzenegger’s shoes, he makes the role his own as do the other actors in the film: Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, and Bryan Cranston.

The film is brilliantly directed by Len Wiseman, who happens to be Kate Beckinsale’s husband.

This version of Total Recall is for a whole new generation of movie goers. Based on the Philip K. Dick story, “We Can Remember It for You Wholesale”, fans of the original movie might be disappointed in this remake.

Consider seeing the movie without the need to compare it with the campy version of 90’s. Get some popcorn, sit back, be happy it’s not in 3D, and watch some bad ass fight scenes, especially between Jessica Biel and Kate Beckinsale.very intense.

This sci fi is packed with action from beginning to end.

From Columbia Pictures, Total Recall is now playing at the Malibu Theater.

Text and video by Julie Ellerton