Fourth of July Fun

Point Dume cowboys Vince Muselli and Larry Gray, flags in hand, lead the 19th annual Point Dume Fourth of July Parade on Wednesday, July 4.

Bright-colored golf carts, bicycles, scooters, mini cars and horses, all decked out in red, white, and blue, lined up on Bluewater Road for the 19th annual Point Dume Fourth of July Parade. 

On this day of celebrating patriotism, some used this as a platform to express political views, with signs reading, “Plastic Free Malibu,” “Not My President,” “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses … ” and simply “LOVE.” 

Vince Muselli and Larry Gray led the parade on horseback carrying the American flag, followed by veterans and participants. Point Dume residents lined the streets, cheering as the parade cruised by their houses, offering drinks and snacks to passersby. The celebration continued when the parade arrived at its final destination: the corner of Fernhill Drive and Grayfox Street. Folks snacked on watermelon, Hotdog on a Stick, refreshing drinks, and listened to music at this good, old fashioned block party. 

Parade organizer, Malibu Custom Carts owner Doug Randall, wanted to create a fun, festive celebration for the families to continue their Independence Day tradition, while honoring the memory of his wife Gillian, who passed away last year. 

“She loved the parade and celebration,” Randall said.