Conley Ulich, Wagner top vote getters


The absentee ballot votes and precincts 14, 57, and 64 votes as of 9:35 p.m. Tuesday are:

Pamela Conley Ulich: 1,549

John Sibert: 1,088

Susan Tellem: 856

Kathy Wisnicki: 1,062

Jefferson Wagner: 1,247

Measure D: Y- 1,291, No- 711

Measure E: Y- 1,233, No- 823

Malibu voters today are choosing three candidates for seats on the City Council. There are also two measures on the ballot.

The city will begin counting ballots at 8 p.m. Be sure to check this Web site frequently for the results as they are released.

Here is The Malibu Times’ election preview story that appeared in the recent print edition:

Profiles of the five candidates running for office:

The candidates answers to The Malibu Times’ questionnaire: