Pamela Conley Ulich


Name: Pamela Conley Ulich

Birth date: Oct. 28, 1966

How long have you lived in Malibu?

I have lived in Malibu since 1996.

How many people are in your immediate family, regardless of whether they live at home? Feel free to mention their names and ages.

Our family consists of my loving husband, David; my amazing daughter, Katarina, my incredible son, Konrad; spectacular Grandmothers Omi and Nana; proud Grandfathers Opi and Pop Pop and last, but not least, our ever-chewing golden retriever, Lucky!

What is your education and employment history?

Juris Doctorate: University of Maryland Law School

Bachelor of Arts: UC San Diego

I practice law in Malibu and am an adjunct professor at the Pepperdine School of Law. Prior to opening my own practice, I was a Hollywood resident counsel, litigation supervisor for the Screen Actors Guild and associate general counsel for the Directors Guild of America. Before law school, I worked for the U.S. Information Agency and Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder in Washington D.C.

Why are you running for City Council?

When Mother Teresa received the Nobel Peace Prize, she was asked, “What can we do to promote world peace?” Her answer was simple: “Go home and love your family.”

I love Malibu and feel blessed to live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I hope my work on the council will help preserve and protect Malibu for generations to come and maybe even make Malibu, and the world, a little better.

What makes you qualified to be on City Council?

I have served on the Malibu City Council for the past four years and am currently mayor pro tem: therefore, I am familiar with the issues facing Malibu.

I am respectful of others and willing to listen. I am capable of understanding our laws and balancing the interests of the public. My focus is on what unites us, not what divides us. I will be a forceful and effective advocate for everyone in Malibu.

What organizations or groups have you been involved in and how were you involved?

Childhelp USA: California Board Member

Malibu Green Machine: One of three founding members

Malibu Triathlon “Team That Dreams:” Co-President

Santa Monica/Malibu Meals on Wheels: Volunteer

Malibu Arts Foundation: Helped create organization

Riviera II Homeowners Association: Co-Vice President

Point Dume Community Association: General Member

Have you been involved in any homeowners associations or other community groups, including city committees?

City of Malibu:

Zoning Ordinance Revisions and Code Enforcement Subcommittee

Public Safety Subcommittee

Parks and Recreation Subcommittee

Malibu Legacy Park Ad-Hoc Fund Raising Committee

Malibu Library Ad Hoc Committee

Los Angeles County:

Los Angeles County Library Commission

What experiences have you had dealing with budgets? How about legislation?

Budgets: I have been responsible for overseeing the budget for the City of Malibu during the past four years. While at SAG, I oversaw the Legal Department budget.

Legislation: While serving on the Malibu City Council, I drafted the first resolution opposing the proposed LNG [liquefied natural gas] terminals. I also drafted a Formula Retail Ordinance and a 1 percent for Arts Ordinance. Moreover, I researched and drafted legislation while interning on Capital Hill for Congresswoman Pat Schroeder (Colorado).

What are your interests outside of politics?

I love being outdoors especially when I am surfing, skiing, jogging, hiking, riding my bike and completing (not competing in) the Malibu Triathlon with my husband and friends. I also enjoy taking kickboxing classes, reading a good novel and writing. I am an avid photographer and enjoy traveling. I am an eager gardener, but mostly, I am devoted to my family, and love “just being” with them and watching them grow.