In good hands


    It seems all you read and hear about today is negativity. So, I’d like to share a story about a Malibu Good Samaritan. Recently, I had what might have been a fatal automobile accident. I drove off an unlighted, unpaved road in the Malibu Hills. I rolled down a major embankment or ravine, until a dirt wall stopped me. It was dusk. I was terrified, and all I could do was yell for help!

    Suddenly, three men appeared and carried me up the hill, and to my surprise, there standing was my Good Samaritan. I was shaking and weak and he steadied me, consoled me and took care of the police report, and all the other necessities.

    He took me to a friend’s house to calm me and make sure that I was strong enough to wait for my own doctor the following morning. When I asked him what can I ever do to thank him, he answered with that angelic smile, and said, “That’s what we’re here for, isn’t it?” Yes, Mr. Edward Albert Jr., it is.

    I can never thank my Good Samaritan, Edward Albert Jr., enough. But, I can pass on the fact that there are caring loving people in this troubled world.

    Mr. Edward Albert Jr. is definitely one.

    He even continued to periodically phone me for two weeks following this horrible accident to make sure that I was recuperating.

    Joy Windsor Ellis