Malibu’s 51st Keep Christ in Christmas celebration began Sunday afternoon at the crèche on the corner of PCH and Webb Way, marking the beginning of the Christmas season for many longtime families in Malibu.
Each Sunday, a Malibu church hosts the community caroling. Calvary Chapel Malibu hosted this past Sunday’s event. Parishioners, community members and visitors gathered to sing traditional Christmas carols like “Away in the Manger,” “Silent Night” and “Come All Ye Faithful,” then turned toward PCH to sing the last song, “Joy to the World,” and wave to those driving by.Pastor Brian La Spada offered a message of inspiration, recounting what brought him to the Christian faith. Worship Leader and Young Life Director Kyle Rogan led the group in song.
President of Keep Christ in Christmas for the past 51 years, Jackie Sutton, with the support of her husband Robert, handed the torch over to Mary and Dale Motley. The Keep Christ in Christmas caroling will continue every Sunday through Christmas and is open to all faiths. Our Lady of Malibu will host the next gathering, which will take place on Dec. 7 at3 p.m.