City of Malibu Hosts CERT Classes

City of Malibu Emergency Services coordinator Brad Davis (center, at head of the table) teaches Community Emergency Response Team members knot-tying skills. 

The City of Malibu will present a new series of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes beginning on Sat., April 5. 

The classes will meet Saturdays at 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. for four consecutive weeks through April 26. 

CERT classes, led by City of Malibu emergency services coordinator Brad Davis, prepare community members to respond to emergencies and disasters. 

“When the fire department is overwhelmed, these are things that you can do to potentially save your loved ones,” Davis explained to The Malibu Times of the program. “When people say, ‘I have no idea what to do,’ this class is being offered for free to teach you.” 

The classes will take place at Malibu City Hall in the multipurpose room. Graduates will receive a backpack containing preparedness equipment. For more information, call 310.456.2489 ext. 260.