FM 99.1 KBUU Monday Morning Headlines


Pea soup has already burned off at 7:47 … highs 74º beaches and 94º mountains today. Someone just dropped an Uber scooter onto the 10 freeway at the McClure Tunnel. Today is Monday, day 213 and these are the headlines:

= The Malibu Canyon shootings were covered up … claims a lawsuit.

= Malibu’s former top cop … Lt Jim Royal … alleges he was forced to mislead the public.

= The first major L A County brushfire of this year causes Magic Mountain to evacuate.

= And 22 thousand Northern California homes got the first preemptive fire wind blackouts.

= The city council may quietly renew the lobbying contract with California Strategies … early … tonight. 


Malibu’s Only Local Daily News … from Radio Malibu …. F-M 99 point 1 K B U U. Good morning … I’m Hans Laetz reporting.