“Team Unpopular, The Return of Flamboyance” picnics on the grass at Bluffs Park before completing the last stretch of the fundraising ride last week. Team Unpopular raised $163,497.26 for the cause.
Bicyclists participating in the AIDS/LifeCycle event made a pit stop at Bluffs Park in Malibu last week. AIDS/LifeCycle is a seven-day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles that raises funds and awareness to fight HIV/ AIDS. More than 2,000 cyclists stopped to rest and repair their bikes in Malibu before continuing on to the finish line at the VA West Los Angeles Healthcare Center.
Ryan Conley of Los Angeles dons a Thor costume during the seven-day AIDS/LifeCycle ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
New Bear Republic team members Donavan Whitehurst and Joe Kelos prepare to get back on the road to Los Angeles after their pit stop. New Bear Republic raised $430,177.63 to fight HIV/AIDS.
Michael Weiss from Eureka, the self-proclaimed “Flag Fairy,” waves a bright yellow flag to show cyclists open bike parking spaces during the pit stop at Bluffs Park on Saturday.