Letter: Showing Up

Letter to the Editor

If you own property on Malibu beach, this alert is for you. 

You might not be aware that FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Agency] is remapping our coastline from Topanga Beach to Ventura County Line. We have preliminary proof that these FEMA maps are in serious error. These errors, if implemented, will drastically change our coastline building codes. The City has hired Moffatt & Nichol, a renowned coastal engineering group, to examine FEMA maps and the group is sure that FEMA must go back and redo their incomplete work. There is a City Council meeting this Monday, June 25, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall. It is imperative that beachfront homeowners are present. The City Council is going to be voting on continuing the fight to protect our beachfront property. That means we must be there to let them know how much we appreciate their great work and financial commitment. 

I want to emphasize again that for those on the beach, the FEMA maps are critical. The new maps will seriously impact property values and the ability to sell, refinance, rebuild and insure beach property. For many citizens, our house is the biggest asset we own. If FEMA does this wrong, it is only a matter of time when the whole city will be impacted by these incorrect maps. The city is doing their share—now we must support them.

Please call me with any questions.

Home: 310.456.3018

Cell: 310.880.2012

And most important, please be at City Hall Monday night.

Lloyd Ahern