Letter: Cart Crackdown

Letter to the Editor

I’m so happy to see the crackdown on young golf cart drivers on Point Dume.

Over the years, I have seen behavior so reckless, it’s scary. I have grave concern for the safety of those on the carts and those they might come in contact with.

Last month, I saw a mom driving back from the beach with at least eight kids from three years of age to about 10 years old, hanging off every possible side. When I told her, “Hey, that is dangerous,” she shouted back, “Mind your own business,” with the children chiming in, “Yeah, mind your own business.” I just prayed they got home safely.

I have also seen nannies on golf carts with a Starbucks in one hand, cell phone up to ear with the other hand, balancing a toddler on their laps, steering with their knees, with another small child beside them (no seatbelts). Talk about multitasking.

Now that everyone is on notice, I hope to see some follow up from the enforcement officers — especially on weekends.

Valerie Sklarevsky