Malibu seen



    “Third Rock” space case John Lithgow paid a visit to planet earth to take part in the Young Musicians Foundation’s 46th annual masked gala at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Hundreds of guests donned costumes and formal attire for the ‘swell-egant’ bash called “A Night in Venice.” Merv Griffin served as master of ceremonies and music was in the air as Michael Jung tickled the ivories. The 11-year-old virtuoso was backed up by the Young Musicians Foundation Debut Orchestra.

    Lithgow was presented with this year’s Magic Baton Award for his work on behalf of music awareness and education. Celeb pals David Hyde Pierce, Rob Reiner and Sally Kellerman turned out to cheer him on. Pam Dawber and hubby Mark Harmon served as the evening’s auctioneers.

    The event wrapped up with a salute to the legendary songwriting team of Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, who received the YMF Humanitarian Award. The two may be best known as the creative team behind Smokey Joe’s Caf, but their rock ‘n’ roll roots date back to Elvis. The king recorded 20 Leiber and Stoller hits including “Hound Dog,” “Loving You” and “Jailhouse Rock.” Uh-huh!


    MGM honcho Chris McGurk will be presented with this year’s “Spirit of Hope Award” at the H.E.L.P. group’s 25th Anniversary Teddy Bear Ball on Dec. 1. The Environmental Media Association salutes green do-gooders at its 10th Annual Media Awards dinner at the Barker Hanger on Dec. 6 and Pepperdine University’s Center for the Arts will ring in the holiday season with its annual Holiday Boutique and Luncheon on Dec. 4.


    There’s a hot, new libation hitting the hip party scene and glasses can’t be filled fast enough. Maui Powie? No. Sour Apple? Nope. Rodeo Driver? Wrong. Cosmo? Over. No, the phattest, baddest beverage on the cool party circuit is a splashy, turbo-charged, high-end form of H2O called Penta-hydrate Super Pro.

    I first encountered this new concoction at a local party thrown by Peter Knecht. They were gulping it down at the boystown bash at the Tito estate and serving it up at the Lupas Foundation fundraiser at Stone Manor. At one upscale affair, it received billing on the press release right along with Howie D and the Backstreet Boys.

    Being a big lover of all things liquid myself, I decided to give it a slug. At nearly three bucks a shot it is pricey no doubt, but if taste is any indication, this is the alpha of aquas. What’s more, its enhanced performance, increased energy, rapid hydration qualities are said to cure what ails you. So let’s put it this way — look like a hipster, flush out your toxins, reduce your swelling, free your radicals and leave the designated driver at home. Memo to Robert Downey, Jr. — check it out.