Bring on the Muskets


    On Nov. 7, I voted. On Nov. 11, I was recognized and thanked as a veteran for my service to my country. At the same time, we sent a group of slick-haired attorneys into the ballot counting areas in Florida. They had written instructions on how to not only intrude into the electorial process but how to invalidate our servicemen and women’s ballots. So that their candidate could prevail in the election.

    This is totally unacceptable.

    No party has the right to interfere with this process.

    During the revolutionary times, our forefathers would have simply picked up their muskets and escorted these attorneys from the area and let the vote continue, with a simple ‘yea’ or ‘nay’ for the candidate.

    A quote that is attributed to Joseph Stalin. “The voter is very important in an election, but not as important as the one who counts the vote.” This may not be the intent of the party who sent the attorneys, but it sure seems that way.


    Thomas N. Bates