Santa Breakfasts in Point Dume


    No flying sleighs-the reindeer stayed behind this trip-but Santa himself appeared at the Point Dume Community Center on Saturday.

    About 100 people turned out for a morning visit with Santa. Pancakes and sausages were served, carols were sung, and Christmas requests were registered. In an exclusive interview, Santa disclosed: “Harry Potter toys are high on the lists this year, but Barbies are still very popular.”

    The City of Malibu Parks and Recreation Department sponsored the 3rd annual event along with the Kiwanis Club and the Malibu Community Center at Point Dume. Paul Adams, director of Parks and Recreation, was happy with the full-house turnout and said, “It’s great to have an event that brings the community together.”

    Despite the jovial atmosphere, several young visitors found the jolly man a tad ominous. About a dozen crying babies were carried away from the scene.

    One wondered whether Santa would be dismayed by the varied reactions.

    “Santa is always prepared for any emergency,” he winked.