Letter: Don’t Be Fooled

Letter to the Editor

Your last issue included a letter from Lawrence Weisdorn (“Fear Instilled”), which sought to perpetuate a thoroughly false claim. Contrary to Mr. Weisdorn’s letter, the CDC study he quotes did not find face masks to be ineffective against COVID-19.  

A nationally published article in USA Today confirms that “The claim is false. The CDC report actually supports the efficacy of masks in slowing the spread of coronavirus. Numerous other studies also confirm that conclusion.”  

It took me less than a minute to find this article (and millions of others like it) on the internet. So, Larry: Before you jump on your keyboard to spread yet another lie, please take a minute of your time to find out whether it’s even true. Snopes.com is a great place to start.

Want some real facts? A study published last week found that the U.S. has suffered 300,000 more unexpected deaths this year than it had at the same time last year. That’s 33 percent higher than the official number of deaths attributed to COVID. Yes, a huge number of these people had underlying conditions—but the overwhelming majority of them would not have died had they not contracted COVID.

Another study published last week projects that mask-wearing can save an estimated 100,000 lives in the U.S. over the next three months. Is wearing a mask really so bothersome that you’d risk even one more death?

Wearing seatbelts is now the law. So is wearing motorcycle helmets.  

Please grow up.

Name withheld by request