Letter: The Joy Weaver

Letter to the Editor

I was catching up on my reading of The Malibu Times and I particularly was touched by Kim Devore’s “Malibu Seen” article published Dec. 1. 

She wrote about Cameron Burnett and his film short “The Bench.” It was so very touching and reminded me of a poem my own daughter had written in junior high.


The Joy Weaver


There was a dear old man who lived in Heavenly Wood

He was a teller of stories that would make you feel good

He knew how to weave hope through each story’s seams

And the pictures he painted could brighten your dreams


The man was a poet, Jacob was his name

He didn’t seek riches, he didn’t seek fame

He just had a wish to give people joy

And bring a big smile to each girl and boy


The people all came from far and from near

Each wanted a special story to hear

And Jacob would tell them night after night

To ease all their fears and to make their thoughts bright


He told me a story I’ll never forget

About a prince and a princess and the world where they met

And all of the beauty there was there to see

And he said the princess looked a little like me


He lifted my spirits and lessened my pain

He made me feel pretty, not simple and plain

But I knew that Jacob was just being kind

He only saw goodness, for Jacob was blind


Espree Devora


I’m sure my daughter Espree, who is now in Latvia having been invited by their techie community to speak about her startup “We are LA Tech,” would enjoy your sharing of “The Joy Weaver” with Cameron and your readers.

Once again, I always enjoy Kim Devore’s articles and I especially enjoyed this one.

Hermine Hilton