I am exceptionally grateful to the voters who cast their votes for me in last Tuesday’s election. Forlornly, our city suffered the lowest voter turnout for a City Council election since we became a city. Only 33% of Malibu’s registered voters, about 3,000, took the time to vote. That’s down from a 46% turnout just two years ago in April 2000 and a 41% voter turnout in April 1998. It’s almost impossible to overcome an incumbent, much less topple a political apparatus when 6,000 of Malibu’s 9,000 voters did not even have the aspiration to cast a ballot.
Ms. Barovsky and Mr. Stern, I wish you good luck in leading our city over the next four years. As a 21-year Malibu resident, mom and businesswoman, I want our city government to succeed. “Thank you” to my fellow candidates John Wall and Roy Van de Hoek. together, we ran clean, positive campaigns, focusing on the issues. Although, we did not always agree, I’m glad I got to know them along the campaign trail.
Finally, I must thank all the citizens who helped my campaign, starting with Mayor Joan House, retiring City Councilmember Tom Hasse and former Mayor and City Councilmember John Harlow. Thank you for the use of your good names and encouragement. To my campaign manager Ani Dermenjian and my treasurer Jacky Tomlinson, thank you, thank you, thank you.
To all my volunteers, I will never forget your unselfish devotion to our shared cause. I am proud of the effort that you made and the honesty with which we ran our campaign. As a group, we must realize that it was the process, not the outcome that offered us the opportunity for knowledge and personal growth. No matter the outcome, the value for each of you was in making the effort and learning what we need for individual growth. I am grateful to have been a part of this united lineup of faithful supporters.
I will continue to speak up on the vital concerns facing our city during these challenging times. You can see me on my public affairs cable television program on Channel 3, “Taki Talks,” discussing issues of concern to our community. Thanks again to all the volunteers and voters who made these past four months such an unforgettable and exciting occasion in my life.
Beverly Taki