Photos: For the Love of the Arts

NYC Ballet dancers Ashley Hod and Indiana Woodward spend a moment with bandoneon soloist Mariano Dugatkin before their performance. 

Malibu locals, family, friends and visitors began filing in as early as 3 p.m. to find a spot for the spectacular performance at 5 on Sunday, Aug. 20. Colorful picnic blankets were sprinkled on the lawn like a patchwork quilt.

“It’s so fascinating to me to be able to create something in my head, hear it, sketch it onto paper and then release it to other artists who take it on as their own—see it performed, enjoyed and it’s gone,” the artistic director and founder of Concert on the Bluffs, Catherine Malcolm Brickman, shared. “While part of that sounds sad, it’s so enormously gratifying. Because really what we are trying to do is to capture what it means to be human. To celebrate our human spirit. And if we let go of fear, which drives ego and hate, we are all one.”

The list of extraordinary performances and contributors of the evening is long and includes actor Pierce Brosnan, poet Ricardo Means Ybarra, guitarist Nicholas Goluses and many more.

In closing, Brosnan paraphrased a quote from President John F. Kennedy: “Art gives us something to look backward to with pride and to look forward to with hope.”