Speeding Danger

Letter to the Editor

Every weekend, Latigo Canyon turns into a racetrack for sport cars and motorcycles. The noise level is so high that it is impossible to carry on a conversation. It is damaging to hearing, especially for young children. Motorcycles race way above the 30 mph posted speed limit with their engines screaming—it is nerve-racking. 

The quality and safety of our lives and many other families are also in danger because of this illegal activity. It is not uncommon to have a motorcycle pass you on a blind curve going uphill or downhill. When a car or truck is coming at you from the other direction, you are forced into the side of the canyon wall or, even worse, nearly off the cliff. Bicycle riders are often pushed to the side as motorcycles pass between them and oncoming cars. I have seen people in tears after these experiences. 

I have reported this over and over to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station and the California Highway Patrol with little results. Many people have gotten hurt and many car accidents have happened because of this “racing.” Our beloved dog was hit and killed; it may only be a matter of time before a life is lost. 

Potential solutions:

  • Speed bumps in residential areas. Some will argue that this may slow down emergency response vehicles. However, we are dealing with an emergency situation every Saturday and Sunday.
  • Posting police cars to write up citations for cars and motorcycles in excess speed and noise.
  • Place gates in residential areas that would automatically opened for emergency vehicles.
  • Post signs: “Slow Down,” “Residential Zone,” “Children,” “30 mph” and “Quiet Please.”

I hope that other residents will come forward and that we will get some help. I would think that allowing an illegal activity to continue would be a major liability to the City of Malibu.