Letter: Make jobs, not war

Letter to the Editor

Three cheers for The Malibu Times refusing to blindly follow the Obama drum beat to war. [“Syria, Why Act Now?”, Sept. 5] 

Glad to see local media reflect the fact that the overwhelming majority of Americans decidedly don’t want a United States war on Syria, despite the steady flow of support for war from the likes of CNN and the corporate media. 

So, it’s time we all agree with The Malibu Times, Afghanistan and Iraq were/are total wastes as well. Those policies of endless American wars have proven to be tragic mistakes, from Vietnam to Lebanon, and from Panama to the Balkans. 

Let us show “O Bomb A” that diplomacy and aid are more practical than drone, cruise and tomahawk missiles. Shifting our resources from war to funds for our cities, for jobs and infrastructure, will go further to bring peace than the violence of war Inevitably does. 

Andy K. Liberman