Letter: Beach Safety

Letter to the Editor

El Matador State Beach is an unsafe disaster and the beach should be closed immediately.

I visited this beach in Malibu 10 years ago and was concerned about its conditions of access. I returned yesterday and this is just a disaster here waiting to happen. I thought that by now, the parks department or the City of Malibu would do something to help mitigate the horrific dilapidated and gullied conditions of the steep descent required to reach the beach far below and to return.

Not only is the dirt path down a gullied washed out mess with cliff edges eroding away, there are two corroded disintegrating staircases, equally a disaster, which are required to traverse to reach the beach. The wooden steps are crumbled and splintering.

How can you allow this? Doesn’t anybody from the parks department visit the parks you administer to see what needs attention? Yes, I understand there is a critical shortage of budget for infrastructure or whatever but this is unbelieveable; there is just no excuse for this. It’s all crumbling away. How much longer do you need to wait — until there is a massive slope or cliff failure, or a fatality?

To the City of Malibu: yes, this is clearly a State Parks department issue, but doesn’t the City of Malibu care about hazardous conditions of considerable impact and liability affecting the public within its own borders? What is going on here?

Somebody, do something.

Matthew Schwartz