Thanks for the "yes"


    The Committee for Proposition Y – Yes for Kids – would like to thank the Malibu community for its overwhelming support for public education. Proposition Y passed with a 79% voter approval! This level of support for children and schools is unique to our special community. Very few school districts are able to garner the 2/3 majority vote required to provide supplemental funding to their public schools. But the Santa Monica and Malibu Unified School District has enjoyed tremendous support from the citizens of both cities for many years. The excellent quality of education provided by our Malibu schools is the direct result of this support. Once again, we have demonstrated that quality education for our children is a necessity and our top priority.

    In this election season our small city was divided over development propositions. However, our city came together to ensure the excellence of Malibu public schools continues.

    Prop Y enjoyed the endorsement and funding from a broad spectrum of individuals and groups. Senior citizens, parents, the Malibu Chamber of Commerce, the Malibu Bay Company, both candidates for City Council, all school board candidates, the Malibu City Council, the Malibu Association of Realtors, the Malibu Association of Contractors, doctors, insurance agents, art gallery owners, teachers and school principals actively supported the successful passage of this crucial measure for Malibu’s children. Thousands of telephone calls, letter writing, newspaper advertisements, speaking engagements, sign posting and fundraising brought Malibu a victory of which we can all be proud. Prop Y will provide over $30 million to our school district over the next 10 years.

    We thank you all for your selfless support.

    Cathleen Sands

    Co-chairperson, Yes for Kids