Bare facts for taxpayers


It’s amazing how much nudity gets attention. A small group of Westside cyclists took to the beach strand this last weekend in hopes of riding in the nude. But when the humorless police caught wind of their plan, the male cyclists decided to keep their pants on. As part of Naked Bike Riders Day, cyclists from eight countries on Saturday attempted to ride naked through the cities of the world in order to protest oil dependency and to celebrate the power and individuality of their bodies. Dozens of police officers from both Los Angeles and Santa Monica were in position, anticipating that the group would strip. It is apparently illegal to be nude in public; a notion the group thinks is ludicrous.

The Santa Monica-Malibu Classroom Teacher’s Association is in negotiations with the school district for a new contract (more money and benefits) with the main sticking point, health care. Didn’t we taxpayers just give the SMMUSD district a second parcel tax on our property totaling millions each year? Wasn’t the Santa Monica City Council just held hostage by the local parents to the tune of $30 million dollars over the next five years from that city’s coffers. The only way the “on vacation for the summer” SMMUSD union leaders are going to get my undivided attention to their union line is to hold their own Naked Bike Riders Day. And that is all I have to say (sure)

Tom Fakehany