Friendly employment


The stench of cronyism pervades the air of Malibu, with the hiring of Susan Shaw as the city’s “public relations officer” on a six-month, $30,000 contract awarded without a competitive application process to find the best applicant. Ms. Shaw, who shared office space with Councilmember Sharon Barovsky in the early 1990s, served with her on the General Plan Task Force, and lived with the Barovskys for a while after the 1993 fire, is, according to Ms. Barovsky, “not a close friend.”

I agree with the dissenting member of the council on the vote to approve this sweetheart deal, Pamela Conley Ulich, that there was no reason not to begin the competitive bidding process for this position (if indeed it is necessary) now rather than six months from now, after Ms. Shaw has been on the job for that period, collecting $5,000 per month.

Ted Vaill