Malibu Locals Attend Kids Ocean Day

Almost 4,000 Los Angeles kids, teachers and volunteers send a giant text message from the ocean to “CLEAN ME UP :)” as part of the 21st annual Kids Ocean Day Adopt-A-Beach Clean-Up.

Nearly 4,000 Los Angeles students, teachers and volunteers participated in the 21st annual Kids Ocean Day Adopt-A-Beach Clean-Up at Dockweiler State Beach. Participants cleaned the beach and formed a text message from the ocean saying “CLEAN ME UP :)” in hopes to raise awareness of the impact of litter and pollution on the ocean. 

Activities for the day included cleaning up trash and composting food items left over from lunch that were donated to Odyssey Orchards, a garden program at LA’s Odyssey Charter School. Kids Ocean Day in LA was organized by the Malibu Foundation for Environmental Education, the California Coastal Commission, the City of Los Angeles, Keep Los Angeles Beautiful and Spectral Q.