Guest Column: ‘It Happened Just Like That!’

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

Drowning incidents are dramatically on the rise. 

“It happened just like that,” parents say, and then their loved one can never be brought back.

Drowning is preventable. Here are some tips to get started: 

What can you do to prevent drowning incidents?

Follow the ABCs of water safety: 

A: Adult Supervision.  Assign an adult “water watcher” to keep their eyes on the water at ALL times. 

B: Barriers.  Items such as fences, self-closing and self-latching gates, pool motion sensors, window and door alarms help keep children out of the water. 

C: Classes.  Parents and caregivers should take CPR, first aid and swimming courses. Classes are available for both children and adults.  

Take the water safety quiz online at or contact me for additional safety tips. There is a lot to cover, so visit for more safety tips on drowning prevention — and visit your local fire station. They can help provide information as well. 

The same drowning prevention tips apply for adults. Learn how to swim, and NEVER swim alone!