Coldwell Banker conducting food drive

Food drive

A food drive to collect donations for children in need in Los Angeles and Orange Counties is currently taking place until Aug. 19. Donations are being accepted at the Malibu Colony Coldwell Banker office, located at 23676 Malibu Rd., and will benefit the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. 

The food drive is a combined effort between Coldwell Banker and NorthStar Moving. Coldwell Banker offices around the region are competing to see who can collect the most food. The donations are being picked up and transported to food banks by the moving company. 

“Many people don’t realize that hungry children are dependent on their school lunches which could be their only meal of the day, so the need for food donations is even more urgent in the summer,” NorthStar Moving Co-Founder Laura McHolm said in a statement. “By donating even one food item to your local Coldwell Banker office you will be helping feed a hungry child.”