Wilderness Mind: Activating Wonder – An Eco Art exhibition of works includes a few Malibu Artists, concerned with the issues most important to the participating artists.
Wilderness Mind: Activating Wonder — Curator’s Statement
“Wilderness Mind” is a public initiative of the Eco-art Collective, an ongoing study and practice group of the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art. Â In this second exhibition focused on the dynamic relationship between humans and the natural world, our core goal is to actively generate sustainable stewardship of the environment.Â
We are building on the core premise that an open state of mind (or what is often called “wonder”) can be experienced in both traditional wilderness areas and in dense urban habitats. Some artworks celebrate the existing beauty and diversity of this planet. Others acknowledge how human activity is changing and often negatively impacting our environment. These diverse artworks are intentionally accompanied by writings, facts and resources that present the multiple concerns of the 16 participating artists.  Public programs and conversations  will also be offered to explore the many way artists and others participate as activists and supporters of sustainable stewardship of the environment.
Marie Cenkner, Curator Â
ECO-ARTISTS:  Carolyn Applegate, Amy Bauer, J. Cheryl Bookout, Marie Cenkner, Danielle Eubank, Ann Isolde, Katherine Kean, J.J. L’Heureux, Nancy Lissaman, Meg Madison, Marion Melchiorre, Sandra Mueller, Annemarie Rawlinson, Seda Saar, Louise Wannier, France White.
The Eco-Art Collective is an activist group of the Southern California Women’s Caucus for Art dedicated to sustainable stewardship of the environment. More info at scwca.org http://scwca.org/> and wildernessmind.org http://wildernessmind.org/>.