Senior Yasi Afsharnive answers: Why is Malibu High School such a great school?

Yasi Afsharnive

I’ve grown immensely during my time at Malibu High School, and I’d like to think it’s because I’ve received a rather unique education. Sure, just like every high schooler, I can recite the Spanish alphabet, take a derivative and tell you all about the Civil War. But how many high schoolers can differentiate seemingly identical seagulls on the beach and give you their scientific names? How many high schoolers can successfully comprehend an unceasingly energetic redhead who speaks at 2,000 words per minute? How many high schoolers can tell you the symbolic significance of every noun in “The Catcher in the Rye?” How many high schoolers can tell you South Park references were a vital part of their historical studies? Sure, Malibu High, only a few hundred feet away from the beach, has a beautiful campus. But it’s the unique, dedicated and charismatic teaching staff that makes it so unbelievably special. Almost every single one of my teachers has been far more than just an instructor; they’ve been mentors, role models, coaches, therapists and, most importantly, friends. At Malibu High School, you can call your English teacher mom without feeling uncomfortable, discuss government conspiracies with your art teacher while throwing a vase, watch a football game with an ocean view and spend seven of your teenage years with some of the most eccentric, inspirational people you’ll ever meet. 

It’s still surreal that I’ll be leaving this place in a few short weeks. It has been the place that I’ve been able to call home since my second day of 6th grade. The place where I met my best friends. The place where I discovered my true intellectual potential. The place that showed me that it’s possible for a 15-year-old girl to make a difference in her community. Over the past seven years I’ve been pushed, inspired and motivated to be the best me I could possibly be, and from that I’ve grown. I’ve grown into a leader, a hard worker, a critical thinker and an overachiever. I’ve grown into a person I can be proud of, in a place that I love, with people that inspire me. I’m so unbelievably lucky to be an MHS student. Go Sharks!!! 

Yasi Afsharnive