Senior Wynn Jacobson-Galan answers: Why is Malibu High such a great school?

Wynn Jacobson-Galan

When one examines the work of a loom, you will see that, in amongst the thousands of repeated stitches, there will be one that isn’t like the others. The stitch doesn’t follow the set pattern. Continuity is gone; conformity is halted by a millimeterwide thread that didn’t follow a standard set by the machine. This is the truth behind Malibu High School. We may appear to be just average from the outside, but really, we are a mass of nonuniform stitches in a wave of continuous fabric that will one day unravel it all. 

At Malibu High, kids like this are not always easy to find, but they are amazingly unique when discovered. They are the ones who play in the band but also practice nine hours a day so they will one day be professional concert musicians. They are the ones who, in addition to taking AP math, decide to build computers and robots at home with hopes of working for NASA. They are the ones who not only play for the school sports team but also get amazing college offers because they never missed a season of club sports and traveled across the country in order to be recruited. They take amazing photos, write witty short stories, create outstanding plays, and more. 

Other schools may match or exceed our achievements, but in no way can they understand the true sense of community, creativity and personality that is represented in those students who take the extra step at Malibu High. Students here do what they need to do to in order to succeed independently, and that is what sets them apart. 

And this is what I have been most touched by at Malibu High. 

I can honestly say that the will of the students, sometimes few in number, has impressed me the most. The small, hidden pockets of creative expression and motivation are what set us apart. And I know that they will go forth and change the world for the better. 

Wynn Jacobson-Galan