Letter: Find Common Ground

Letter to the Editor

Dear Joe:

Instead of simply calling Malibu’s mayor, you chose to go to the press first to state, “FAKE NEWS” and then to ask our mayor to call you?

I hope and pray you will treat Malibu they way you would like to be treated and are able to find common ground that will serve and protect everyone who loves Malibu.

When I served on the Malibu City Council, I remember meeting with you to discuss the possibility of working together to build a world-class library facility near Zuma Beach.

You refused to collaborate on this library project, which would have served all who visited and lived in Malibu. Indeed, you told 

me that unless I would support overnight camping in Malibu, the discussion was over. After I told you I would not, I remember you stood up and said something like, “Then this conversation is over.”

That was many years ago. I am hopeful that you have grown more amenable to finding common ground with Malibu.

As I write this, a fire in Topanga is still burning. The threat of fire is real for Malibu and I hope you will understand — campfires and camping go hand in hand.

Thank you for your service. I wish you and Mayor Peak only the best.

 Pamela Conley Ulich

Former Mayor