Letter: Fake News

Letter to the Editor

For about 800 nights in a row, the American people have been treated to total hysteria by the news media. The obsession with Trump-Russian collusion has dominated every mainstream media newscast and newspaper. The delusion and denial (and outright hate) of half the country over Trump’s election has fostered this unprecedented period in history of false speculation and reporting. You could not watch any news report without concluding an impeachment or indictment of Trump was imminent. Every single night: “Blockbuster report!”

The media has zero credibility anymore! In one of three ways, every single political report is biased and false. Either outright lies are knowingly created (the left, which now dominates all media except Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, cares more for ideological propaganda than actual truth), or topical stories are shown completely one-sided, or (where “fake news” occurs most) the selection of stories to carry is entirely motivated by bias. Literally, every report related to Trump is false or distorted. The great irony, which half the country quietly still knows, is that Trump is the only voice in America who (often) speaks the truth, particularly hitting the major issues right on the money.

The Los Angeles Times and this paper have never written a single story in three years that reflected well on Trump or conservatives that support him. I would guess that polling on every issue (including Trump approval ratings) is 20 percent distorted by the irresponsibility displayed every single day by the American media propaganda machine. The Trump-Russia collusion delusion we have endured for two years is the primary face of this great shame.

We have bona fide facts of Hillary breaking the law, as well as the Democrats colluding with the Russians, FBI and the Deep State to keep Trump from winning. These crimes get ignored in lieu of outright fabrication and speculation. The double standard in the media and popular culture between how leftists are treated (see Jussie Smollett) and how conservatives are treated (see Brett Kavanaugh) is sickening. 

Now we hear from the left and Democrats “we still don’t know what facts are out there.” The delusion will never end. Trump only looks more impressive as a president defeating this evil. Identifying (and overcoming) fake news will be Trump’s greatest legacy.

Rick Wallace