Operation Recovery

Malibu locals at the first Operation Recovery meeting

Operation Recovery

Offering Woolsey Fire Victims and the Malibu Community Resources and Information They Need to Rebuild Fire Safe Homes in a Fire Safe Community

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On Going

Fire Department Rebuilding Consultations – City Hall – Tuesdays & Thursdays 8AM – 12


April 9

Building Fire Resilient Homes and Communities: Innovations and Lessons from Australia

TreePeople is holding a symposium in Malibu. Open to the public, each event will inform and educate those living in or near high-fire risk areas on how to modify or rebuild their homes with the most innovative Best Management Practices aimed at increasing fire resilience.  Space is limited at each event, so please RSVP for one of the following symposiums.

Malibu City Hall Council Chambers / Malibu Civic Theater, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA 90265, 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM to RSVP enter following link into your browser.  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buildingfireresilienthomesandcommunitiesinnovationsandlessonsfromaustraliaforthetickets57411865435


April 13, April 27 

Rebuilding Workshops & More 

Schedule a FREE One on One Consultation for Rebuilding in LA County Unincorporated Areas Call Zaim Khayat or Ron Dockery for Information and Reservations 818-880-4150

9AM – 2PM – 26600 Agoura Road, Calabasas Suite 110

April 13

CSLB, with the city of Malibu and Los Angeles County Department of Public Works to Present Two 90-minute Wildfire Rebuilding Workshops.

Both workshops are also hosted by Assembly member Richard Bloom, State Senator Henry Stern, and Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl.  The first workshop, focusing on homeowners, will cover topics including the rebuilding process, tips on how to hire a licensed contractor, requirements for contract and change orders, insurance requirements, mechanics lien rules, other important things to remember when managing a construction project. Attendees will also learn about laws in-place to help protect homeowners.

This workshop will take place in the Council Chambers at Malibu City Hall, 23825 Stuart Ranch Road, in Malibu, starting at 1:00pm.


Save the Date – April 14

??To Rebuild or Not to Rebuild – That is the Question?? 

Presented by Operation Recovery

If you are wondering if selling the lot where your fire destroyed home once stood and moving on is the best decisions, OR if it would be better to hold onto the lot, OR should you build and sell –Or? You will want to attend this fact filled workshop. Local Legal, Real Estate, Financial, Construction and other experts will present important information to help you make an informed decision. Malibu Public Library 2-5PM 

April 28

Free Insurance Workshop

State Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara and the United Policyholders are hosting a free Insurance Workshop for Malibu residents impacted by the Woolsey Fire. The event will include a town hall meeting as well as free, confidential, one-on-one appointments with experts from the California Department of Insurance. Sunday, April 28 at Malibu City Hall (23825 Stuart Ranch Road, Malibu, CA 90265)….

Save the Date – May 5

The Malibu Art of Wine Festival

Leave your fire issues behind and Join your friends and community for an afternoon of wine and food tasting, music and under the Oaks at Saddlerock Ranch.  3-7PM  -PURCHASE TICKET AT ArtofWineMalibu.eventbrite.comUSE CODE WORD “ RECOVERY” FOR $10 DISCOUNT

Jewish Free Loan Helps Fire Victims 

Jewish Free Loan of Los Angeles is offering interest-free loans to LA and Ventura countyresidents, of any faith, affected by the recent fires. Individuals are eligible for up to $15,000 and small business owners and institutions may seek up to $75,000. Borrowers do not need collateral for an interest-free loan. Instead, borrowers should seek 1-2 loan guarantors with good credit to sign on the loan. Applying for an interest-free loan begins online at jfla.org with a pre-loan application. Jewish Free Loan will review completed loan applications on a weekly basis to ensure a timely turnaround. There are no fees and there is no interest ever.


Operation Recovery is an independent, all-volunteer community project sponsored by the Malibu Dolphin Charitable Foundation. We welcome the participation of other like-minded groups and individuals to help us meet the needs of Malibu residents affected by the Woolsey fire. For information call Karen York, 310-456-5507 ext. 117