The Malibu Times’ Best Dog of Summer Contest Begins

Dogs of Summer 2015

Do you have a cute canine friend you want to show off? The Malibu Times is hosting its second annual Best Dog of Summer contest and it’s your chance to show everyone else just how special your pup is, in addition to winning some fantastic prizes.

The winning dog will earn the title, along with prizes which include a pet care package and pet massage from Zen Paws, $100 grooming certificate from the Malibu Vet Clinic and gift cards from PCH Pets, Malibu Grooming and Eco Auto Spa.

Contestants may be featured in The Malibu Times print edition, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts.

Zeus, who resides in the Big Rock neighborhood, was The Malibu Times’ 2014 winning dog.

To enter, submit a photo and short biography of your photogenic pup to, attention Tracy. The deadline to enter is Aug. 24 and the winner will be announced in the Aug. 27 edition of the paper.

May the handsomest dog win!