Multimedia Director Julie Ellerton hit the streets in Malibu this week to ask, “What is your favorite thing about Malibu in the summer?”

“That’s tough, probably my favorite part are the runs that I do up in the mountains, preferably by Zuma Canyon, which is amazing down Bonsall Drive. I go with a group from work at SunLife Organics, when we get the chance … we go for runs together. You smell the fennel, mint … it’s unbelievable. It’s the perfect example of California summer beach activities. It’s Malibu.”
![e2caeb0bdfc28259b1b27ea945a57c2b.png “When you live here, it’s all kind of a blur what time of year it is, but I would say, one of my favorite things to do is [spend our] Sunday afternoons at Malibu Kitchen. That’s our go-to. It’s a nice little ritual and there’s something a little more special about it in the summer when it’s warm out. The beach is actually best in October here for us, after summer.”](https://i0.wp.com/malibutimes.com/wp-content/uploads/./2015/07/03/e2caeb0bdfc28259b1b27ea945a57c2b.png?w=344&h=300&ssl=1)
“When you live here, it’s all kind of a blur what time of year it is, but I would say, one of my favorite things to do is [spend our] Sunday afternoons at Malibu Kitchen. That’s our go-to. It’s a nice little ritual and there’s something a little more special about it in the summer when it’s warm out. The beach is actually best in October here for us, after summer.”