Positive about vote


    Something is very funny here. The Malibu Bay Company is spending an awful lot of money to convince us that they are our friends and that we should be thrilled to accept their generous “gifts.”

    They bought expensive ads and mailers with colorful blotches of land all over them to show us how lucky we are to be getting some of it — even though these gifts are pieces of land they have no use for. I never had a friend I trusted to go to so much trouble trying to convince me what a wonderful gift I’d be getting while asking for something of even greater value in return. Hmmm … Then MBC spends even more money for an ad campaign supporting Measure N which was supposedly created to give us the ability to decide if we want the right to have a referendum on them — which we already have. However, this applies only to MBC and not the other developers and — with a bit of shifting around — it doesn’t even apply to them. All it does is take attention away from the original, real initiative — measure P.

    What is the City Council trying to do to us by supporting Measure N which the Malibu Bay Company is intent on pushing through? Hmmm … Very fishy.

    Evidently, things are not always as they appear. Or are they? The net result of all the misleading rhetoric? Most Malibuites are so confused about the whole thing they don’t know what to vote for. For me, it’s simple. P stands for Positive — N for Negative.

    D. A. Segal