Malibu Seen: And the Oscar Goes To….

Best actor nominee, Matthew McConaughey, seen here with wife, Camila, has been getting high praise, accolades and honors throughout the awards season.

It has been called one of the most exciting awards seasons in years. In a few weeks, we will know who gets the biggest prize in the world of entertainment. Even entertainment king Harvey Weinstein calls it a real squeaker.

Will Academy voters do the “Hustle,” give the thumbs up to an out-of-this-world trip in outer-space or put their money on the Buyers Club?

Lots of longtime locals are in the running, including Matthew McConaughey for his portrayal in “Dallas Buyers Club” and Leonardo DiCaprio as the “Wolf of Wall Street.”

All of these talented pros are up for best actor, along with Chiwetel Ejiofor for “12 Years a Slave,” Christian Bale for his rock and rolling performance in “American Hustle” and sentimental favorite, Bruce Dern, for “Nebraska.”

I am kind of secretly rooting for Leo because he really gave the performance of a lifetime in “The Wolf of Wall Street,” and in the Oscars, he usually ends up being a bridesmaid, but never the bride. I feel the same about Matthew McConaughey who lost almost 50 pounds for his role. Tom Hanks didn’t make it, but his film, “Captain Phillips,” is up for best picture. Likewise, Robert Redford didn’t make the grade, even after glowing reviews for his out at sea adventure.

As for best actress, Meryl Streep always seems to make the cut, this time for her acclaimed role in “August: Osage County.” Her costar Julia Roberts is up for her part in the supporting role.

Other award-winning faces that could be hard to beat are Sandra Bullock for her emotional performance in “Gravity,” and Amy Adams in “American Hustle.” But that’s just the beginning. Don’t count out Dame Judi Dench for “Philomena” and Cate Blanchett in “Blue Jasmine.”

All of these talented actresses come with amazing movie cred and impressive credits.

I don’t know what the spread is, but even bookies must be having a hard time deciding on who these important winners will be as well. The same goes for the biggest prize of all: best picture.

It’s a horse race with “American Hustle,” “Captain Phillips,” “Dallas Buyers Club,” “Gravity,” “Her,” “Nebraska,” “Philomena,” “12 Years a Slave” and “The Wolf of Wall Street.”

“American Hustle” and “Gravity” lead the way with ten nominations each. “12 Years a Slave” picked up nine, while “Dallas Buyers Club” and “Nebraska” got five.

In all, there were some rockers and some shockers, but I guess that’s what makes the Oscars!

Don’t forget to cast your play-at-home vote in the Malibu Times and Malibu Film Society’s annual contest, and good luck to all!