I, as a taxpayer, concerned citizen, property owner and angry individual, am writing this letter concerning the proposal of the BHP Billiton LNG Terminal, a massive three-football field, and 14-story high terminal proposed to be built 13.8 miles off the Oxnard and Malibu coast.
In all of the information that is available about this proposal, the words “illegal, less than forthright and negative ramifications” keep appearing. There are two ongoing Congressional investigations; one by Representative Henry Waxman, and one by Senator Barbara Boxer and Representative Lois Capps.
This company’s tactics, the problems with the proposals design, the company’s total disregard for the environmental impact, the underhanded methods being used, the pursuit of getting the EPA’s illegal exemption from the requirements of the Clean Air Act, using every method their money can buy, smacks of big business taking advantage of the little guy who works hard and has to take whatever is dished out by the men with the money.
BHP’s proposal wants to have huge foreign oil/LNG tankers coming within 13 miles of our coastline dropping off oil/LNG and storing it in their mammoth storage facility that they’re proposing. Then they want to pipe it right through our land, past our homes and schools so they can make lots of money. Are they concerned about the people who live here and those who might want to visit here?
We cannot let this happen under our very noses. This is just a toe-hold they are trying to establish. It will not stop in Ventura, and it will go as far as they can take it. Money seems to be all that matters to this company and they are willing to say and do anything to get it. We’ve been fooled before by false promises that turned sour, let’s not volunteer for another lesson.
We have an opportunity to fight this, but time is running out. The final meeting will be held at the Fess Parker Doubletree Hotel in Santa Barbara on April 12, at 633 East Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara, starting at 9 a.m. The more people that show up, the less chance they have to get this through.
Dixie Meeks