From the Fire Chief: One Small Crack Does Not Mean That You Are Broken

Fire Chief Sam DiGiovanna

The COVID-19 pandemic has likely brought with it uncertainty, altered daily routines, financial pressures and social isolation. You may worry about getting sick, how long this will last and what the future will bring. Information overload, rumors and misinformation can make your life feel out of control and make it unclear what to do. May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

You may have experienced stress, anxiety, fear, sadness and loneliness. And mental health disorders, including anxiety and depression, can worsen. It is important to learn self-care strategies and get the care you need to help you cope. It may require you seeking professional help. 

Remember that one out of five U.S. adults experiences a mental illness at some point in their lives. This is increasing and a threat to first responders across the country.

While suicide is the most devastating outcome of mental illness, there is a host of other issues. They include, but are not limited to:

• Anger, anxiety and aggressiveness 

• Depression 

• Insomnia

• Erratic or impulsive behavior

• Substance abuse, including prescription drugs

It is import we raise our awareness to this growing concern. We all experience difficult times and stress in our lives, and no one should feel ashamed for seeking help to manage those times.

If you feel you are suffering from any of the above or may need counseling, contact a licensed qualified therapist/psychologist.

Remember: Your illness does not define you. Your strength and courage do.