Letter: Ignored Efforts

Letter to the Editor

To Elizabeth Shavelson, assistant to the city manager, with regard to the capital improvements project reported in the local newspapers,

It is with a heavy heart to realize that all of our efforts to work with the city are virtually ignored. We have proposed and submitted endless documentation and request to cooperate with the city in the implementation of the Malibu Beach Esplanade project. We have provided  the necessary information as to the path of the Esplanade and its availability to proceed with completed construction drawings, approved by all agencies involved and by the enthusiastic approval of the Coastal Commission. This is not a project without solid validation. 

As we have indicated to you, in a past correspondence, the capital improvements you reported as now scheduled (Surfside News, 8/3/16) are in direct conflict with Phase 3 of the Malibu Beach Esplanade project; this was documented in detailed correspondence to you and Bob Brager and at a presentation meeting at my studio where the plans and grant applications were displayed. Also present were commissioners and staff — and I have recently written to our new city manager and introduced the Esplanade project to her with the invitation to provide additional material.

This scenario represents the many frustrations of the community and the paradox to the recent lamenting by members of the City Council of the lack of community involvement.

There is very little incentive to get involved when there is cooperation to work in a common goal for the interest of the community. Our project has been developed by Malibu professionals of exceptional talent, without compensation. The project is at a point of development and it is totally ignored by City Contracts and RFP being issued to outside firms. Not a pretty picture!

We are nevertheless undaunted and will continue to strive for cooperation and recognition — we look forward to a valid response which will address the issues directly and in good faith.


Ann Ryan

President, nonprofit Malibu Beach Esplanade, 

Designer of Record