Ozzie, you really got yourself into one this time. You always manage to top yourself. Last week’s Malibu Times article needs further analysis. Let’s talk about your attorney, Abraham Rudy, accusing the city of conspiring against you when all the time you and he were working with our state senator, conspiring against the voters of Malibu. If you had kept that a secret, that would have just been your dirty little secret. But now it’s the world’s dirty little secret because your brilliant attorney pulled a Nixonian move by transcribing private, confidential, conspiratorial voice mails, and then released them to the city by accident, and they became public record. Then when you and your attorney were caught, instead of just downplaying it, Abraham had to go into a tirade about stupidity. I can tell you, when Sheila Kuehl reads this article, she’s going to wonder what kind of attorney you have that can commit such a blunder and then call other people stupid.
Ozzie and Abraham, please look in the mirror. Realize that every reaction you have toward someone else is a reflection of how you feel about yourselves. There is going to be a long, drawn-out appeals process on the Wade Major case. I look forward to analyzing this article in future letters. There’s more to come. Stay tuned.
And, for God’s sake, Ozzie, please don’t lose your sense of humor. You’re going to need it.
Lloyd Ahern