Motives questioned


    The following letter has been sent to the City Council.

    I have attended several of the recent proposed development agreement meetings and watched the remainder on television. While I appreciate your efforts at trying to make something palatable to the residents, I am convinced that you do not care about Malibu as much as you do about political office.

    Furthermore, there have been a variety of missteps along the way. These include: not providing complete documents or appraisals to us prior to the meetings; staging Parks and Rec meetings to whet the appetites of the young parents and the senior citizens so that they will cry louder and longer if you try to take away what they think is theirs already; not spending any time investigating the possibility of state and federal monies to purchase wetlands; pretending that there is a chance that Chili Cook-off site will be for sale (never, according to its owner); and finally suggesting that we take this dinky piece of dirt at Heathercliff (which has extremely unsafe ingress and egress and confirmed ESHAs) in exchange for thousands and thousands of square footage of development. I am opposed to the agreement and to the EIR.

    I heard a number of women mention during the meetings that they had no place to shop or walk their dogs. I almost cried thinking that these airheads would sacrifice the beauty of our city, something that is gone forever once it is developed, for some stupid stores! Get out and go live in Sherman Oaks or Beverly Hills.

    Here’s what I propose: Ask John Perenchio to donate the majority of his land as a tax right-off. In exchange, allow him to build a 50- foot statue of himself in the middle of the cook-off site. What a hero he would be to the people of Malibu. Right now, if you look up the definition of land rapist in the dictionary, his picture is there. I will do everything I can to fight this proposed agreement.

    Susan Tellem