Making Music

Monty Pollack

Casa Escobar hosted its monthly singer-songwriter night last Wednesday, April 25, featuring local musicians and musical groups.

The events, organized by Malibuite Leslie Bixler, usually feature about six musicians, each of whom perform three songs.

“It’s a place to showcase adults doing original music in Malibu and around Malibu,” Bixler described. “It’s hard for musicians to get any kind of work for originals, so this is a place to at least put your material out there.”

Initially begun at Bank of Books around four years ago, the event moved to Casa Escobar where there is a “nice big room” where Bixler and husband, former Malibu High School music teacher Bill Bixler, bring sound equipment and put on the shows.

Bixler added that they are always looking for fresh talent. Those interested can reach out to her at

The next singer-songwriter night will be held on at 7:30 p.m. on May 30 at Casa Escobar. 

“A lot of people don’t know about it,” said Bixler, who invited more people from Malibu to come, enjoy the music and support local musicians.