LASD Reminds Residents Of Golf Cart Rules

Golf Cart Rules

Due to the increased use of golf carts in the Point Dume area, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department took to social media to remind residents of the rules and limitations governing the use of golf carts and other similar vehicles.

– Golf carts are not street legal and must be operated within a one mile radius of a golf course.

– Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) or Low-speed Vehicles (LSV) are road legal however they must be operated by a licensed driver and must be insured and registered with the DMV.

– Golf carts cannot be converted to a NEV or a LSV.

– Parents can be cited for a misdemeanor for allowing an unlicensed driver to operate a vehicle. If unlicensed minors were injured, further prosecution could result. 

The reminder comes at the wake of the recent Aug. 16 golf cart accident in Point Dume where seven minors were injured when the driver lost control and flipped the vehicle.

Direct further questions to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s Station at 818.878.1808.