Woman Dies in Four-Car Collision on PCH

Fatal PCH Crash

A Calabasas woman died in a four-vehicle collision that completely shut down a portion of Pacific Coast Highway for almost 10 hours on Saturday, Feb. 7, according to the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s station. 

The female victim was identified as 69-year-old Kim Howe. Howe was pronounced dead at the scene after a chain-reaction accident pushed the Lexus she was driving into oncoming traffic where she was then struck by an oncoming Hummer near Corral Canyon Road. ABC7 reported Howe had been driving with an expired driver’s license since 2007. 

Officials also confirmed former Olympian and Malibu local Bruce Jenner as one of the drivers involved in the crash that caused extreme delays and closed a portion of PCH in both directions for nine hours. Jenner’s involvement made the crash national news all weekend. 

Many conflicting stories have emerged but, according to the latest account from Sheriff’s officials, the crash occurred around 12:12 p.m. when Howe’s Lexus allegedly rear-ended a slowing Prius. Jenner, who was traveling behind Howe, rear-ended her Lexus, sending her vehicle into oncoming traffic. She was allegedly struck head-on by a Hummer. 

Many outlets initially reported that Jenner said he was being chased by paparazzi at the time of the crash, something investigators have refuted to the Los Angeles Times. Paparazzi were, however, in the area during and after the crash, snapping frantic images of Jenner and the destroyed remains of Howe’s vehicle. TMZ even posted “moment of impact” images purporting to show Jenner as his vehicle rear-ends Howe’s Lexus. 

Conflicting reports also surround Jenner’s possible use of a cell phone while driving. Deputies said Jenner denied texting and has been fully cooperating with authorities and the investigation. 

“My heartfelt and deepest sympathies go out to the family and loved ones, and to all of those who were involved or injured in this terrible accident,” Jenner said in a statement released by spokesman Alan Nierob on Monday. “It is a devastating tragedy, and I cannot pretend to imagine what this family is going through at this time. I am praying for them. I will continue to cooperate in every way possible.” 

The scene became even more chaotic later around 6:30 p.m. when a motorist allegedly crashed through barricades and struck at least one of the vehicles involved in the fatal collision. That driver was detained. 

“A car drove through our barricade and collided into another one of the cars that was in the prior collision,” Sgt. Hicks said Saturday. “They are detaining that driver right now and performing a sobriety test.” 

No further information about the driver or the vehicle involved in the evening collision available. 

PCH did not reopen until 9:20 p.m.

Sheriffs are asking for anyone who may have any additional information regarding the accident to contact the Malibu/Lost Hills Sheriff’s station at 818.878.8108.